Thursday, February 5, 2015


Geisha means Artist.

Geisha's are entertainers that are trained in art, music, and dancing.

Becoming a Geisha is a huge deal for girls, it's an honor. Full fledged Geisha is called Geiko, and when you start training before your 21 it's called Maiko (child dancer). Geisha's wear kimonos with a sash tied in the back.

Some girls were sold to Geisha houses to become a Geisha or if you are a daughter of a Geisha than you are most likely to become a Geisha. First stage of training for Geisha's is called Shikomi, which is where the girls becomes maid and have to do everything they are told to do. They would also be attending the Hanamachi Geisha School. Second stage of training is called Minarai, their training would be in the field. Minarai's are suppose to be seen not to be heard. The Minarai's form of dress is designed to speak for the Minarai's. A Minarai teams up with an older sister and folows her to events to observe to learn the art of conversation. Third Stage is called Maiko, this stage could last years. An older sister teaches the Maiko how to be a true Geisha. The Maiko would have to pick a more professional name and would have to perfect the way they do their hair and makeup. After her older sister feels like she is ready, the Maiko becomes a full fledged Geisha.

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