Friday, January 30, 2015

Traditional Japanese Foods

  • SUSHI- sushi is a small piece of mostly raw seafood (not always raw) placed on a ball of vinegared rice with other ingredients. 

  • SUKIYAKI- thinly sliced beef with vegetables.

  • TEMPURA- food deepfried in olive oil after being coated with egg, water, and wheat flour.

  • SASHIMI- sliced raw                             fish eaten with soy sauce.

  • KAISEKI RYORI- vegetables and fish with a seasoning base of seaweed and mushrooms.

  • YAKITORI- small chicken meat, liver, and vegetables, skewered on a bamboo stick and cooked over hot coals.

  • TONKATSU- deep fried pork in bread crumbs.

  • SHABU-SHABU- thin sliced of beef held with chopsticks and swished around in a pot of boiling water and dipped in sauce before eating it.

  • SOBA AND UDON- these are 2 kinds of japanese noodles. Soba is made from buckwheat flour and Udon is made from wheat flour. they are either served in broth or dipped in sauce.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Japanese Tea

Tea originated in China but later came to Japan. Tea was first used for medical purposes, It did not become common to regularly drink tea till the 1950's. In Japan they have tea ceremonies.

etiquette for a Japanese tea ceremony:
  • 1 host/ hostess
  • 4 guests (1 being the main guest)
  • guests have to be dressed in Kimonos or in formal western clothes
  • never show up late 
  • should be silent through ceremony, communication should only happen through body language.
  • guests have to pay attention to the host

Utensils needed for a Japanese tea ceremony:
  • cushions/chairs
  • hot water
  • tea
  • tea bowls
  • cloth
  • whisk 
  • tea spoon 

Events in a Japanese tea ceremony:
  • Guests walk through the tea garden and clean their hands in a water basin.
  • guests approach the teahouse; before crawling through a small entrance, they take off their shoes; inside they sit down on cushions or chairs.
  • the host bows before entering the tea-room
  • host brings in utensils and places them around the hearth
  • host sits in front of the hearth, where water is heated
  • host rinses the bowl before powder and water can be mixed
  • host puts 3 spoons of powdered tea in bowl
  • host pours hot water over powder, and the mixture has to be stirred until it becomes frothy 
  • Tea is first served to the main guest 
  • main guest bows to fellow guests to apologize for being the first to drink 
  • main guest takes the bowl
  • proper way of holding the tea bowl is to put it on the palm of let hand and protect it with right hand
  • main guest drinks and the empty bowl is returned to the host
  • host wipes the bowl with the linen cloth and prepares tea for other guests

some teas have been found to help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Tea also appears to have antimicrobial qualities in it. The different kinds of teas are Green tea, white tea, and black tea. White tea is unfermented and study shows that unfermented tea's help more with cancer. Black tea is made with fermented tea leaves, black tea's reduce the risk of a stroke and help damaged lungs due to smoking. Green tea is made with steamed tea leaves, green tea helps with clogging of the arteries and burns fat.